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Thursday, 23 April 2015

From the very boob beginning...

Hi all!

Now, before I get any questions or comments referring to the title: no. No, there will be no images of MY boobs gracing the pages of this blog! Just lots of lovely information for you to read instead. If that's not what you're into then please DON'T go away - some of what I have to say might apply to you, and I wouldn't want you to miss out!

Ever since watching 'Kris: Dying to Live' on a BBC1 late-night repeat, I have become very passionate about the charity 'CoppaFeel!' and the great work they do. If you don't know much or anything about them, please go to coppafeel.org or to the CoppaFeel! tab at the top of this page (underneath the description). And, after seeing the documentary, I have a huge amount of respect for Kris Hallenga. She shows us that, although diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer at the age of 23, you should not have to spend your whole life fighting - you should remember to live as well.

Inspired by her, I naturally jumped at the chance to volunteer with the charity. After seeing an advertisement for new recruits in the form of 'Uni Boob Team' (UBT) Leaders and Members, I filled out an application. I was (and still am at the time of writing this) in Australia, so when I got the call to confirm a place to train as UBT Leader, I never answered the phone! I'd filled out the application on a whim (despite me wanting to be involved with the charity for at least a year prior), so I never imagined the missed calls I was getting were from them! Luckily, I decided to spend £1.50 and check my voicemail (£1.50 for voicemail - I know!), and I got a very exciting message offering me a place to volunteer for CoppaFeel!.

I'd been wanting to keep the news quiet, as I am unable to train for the role until September, but I want to get the social media up and running, and that means involving people I know! Plus my face will be on the UBT website at some point, and I'll want to share that with you!

My position, as I understand it, will be to help CoppaFeel! with their campaigns throughout the year, and try and spread their messages as much as possible. By being a UBT Leader at BIMM Bristol, I can get my classmates involved, and I hope to use my management skills and other students' talents (it is a music university after all!) to get CoppaFeel! and what they stand for even more recognition.

We start small, and we start now. I have been set up with a Facebook page. Just liking that page would be a huge help - posts on events and campaigns will appear there, plus lots of useful information. If anyone reading this, be you a friend, my family or a complete stranger, please go and 'like' COPPAFEEL! UBT BIMM . The more likes we get, the better start we have for spreading information about future events - and the academic year won't have even started yet!

I am so SO excited to be a part of this charity - it may seem like nothing to some, but I urge you to read up on it's importance, it could save your life.

- Caitlin x

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