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Tuesday, 26 May 2015


Do you have moobs? Or are you in denial? Guess what - all guys have them!

'Moobs', aka 'man boobs', can be a touchy subject amongst the male community. In fact, probably just as sensitive as the topic of boobs are amongst women!

But, here on this blog, I'm trying to make that topic a little easier to talk about - why be ashamed or embarrassed about what they look like/what size they are/the problems that can come with them? Don't be! We're all in the same booby-boat after all. Lets be each other's boob-friend and boob-adviser.

But guys, I'm addressing you specifically in this blog. I'm not picking on you, but it's time to quit it - you have boobs too! They are, most of the time, significantly smaller and less shapely. And, luckily for you guys, they tend to have less of a life of their own - no sports bra for you whilst on your morning jog! However, you need start being more aware and cautious of what comes with the boob-lifestyle.

I'm sure you're all clued up on the dangers of cancer in general, but specifically testicular cancer in men. You know to check your trouser snakes regularly (trouser snake, what a great term!). Well, it's the same for us ladies - downstairs AND upstairs. Knowing your body means recognising an abnormality, and in turn it can mean saving your life.

So why should your 'man-boobs' be any different?

I think a lot of men don't like to think of themselves with 'boobs', perhaps because they are predominantly a female trait (duh!). So are they protecting their 'masculinity'? Or are they conscious of their weight? Does having 'moobs' make you fat? No no no!

Whatever size you are, it does not rule out the possibility of cancer. Does having a below average penis size mean you can't be affected by testicular cancer? No! Boob size is no different.

Breast cancer campaigns are, quite rightly, mainly aimed at women. Specifically, CoppaFeel! try and encourage young women to learn about self-checking, amongst the other important messages they spread. However, it is slowly coming to the publics attention that it is not just women affected. More and more charities are encouraging men to be aware of what breast cancer is, and what it means. 'Cause guys, you are not immune to this.

As I'd ask every woman, I'd now ask every man to start checking themselves on a regular basis. If you have routine for your downstairs area, incorporate the upstairs! Remember, you're not looking for anything - you just need to know your body. All the natural lumps and bumps, the shape, the textures. If there's anything unusual, or something that wasn't there before, you should make an appointment with your doctor.

Another stereotype associated with men, is that they don't like going to the doctor. Is it a sign of weakness? I don't think so. I think it's a sign of clear thinking, of level headedness, and of a sensible mind. Why not bother? It could save your life after all. No-one can think of you as weak or stupid for that.

If you're unsure of what to do when checking yourself, check out the links below. Even if they seem aimed towards women, they apply to you too! Of course, it is far more common and far more likely to affect women, but it doesn't mean you should consider yourself unaffected - check yourself and rule yourself out, guys. 
And, if you think you're really rubbish at that sort of thing, get your girlfriend, wife, friend, sister to do it for you! We don't care how you do it, just as long as you do!

Check out these links for tips and info:







Thanks for reading, until next time,

Caitlin xxx

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