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Saturday, 26 September 2015

Learning the #artofboob

Hello wonderful people! 

Well, I'm guessing you're all wonderful, you did find your way onto my blog after all!

Just over a week ago I travelled to Farringdon in London to complete my Uni Boob Team Leader training. A wonderful day, full of boob-chat and it was completely inspiring. 
I even got to meet the founder of CoppaFeel! herself, Kris Hallenga, which for me was slightly surreal, as I'd only ever seen Kris on TV or in the media. So, although I know she's a totally normal, lovely person, I found myself fangirling a little inside. 

Being an outsider and seeing what Kris has achieved in such a short time with CoppaFeel! leaves me almost in awe, and meeting her was a complete surprise. It was great to hear her story straight from her own mouth, and it made the work I'll be doing with CoppaFeel! feel even more special and meaningful; to see first hand why their message is so important.

The training was held in the offices of one of their partners, Karmarama, in London. After getting a little lost (I was stood directly outside and didn't realise I was there!), I made my way past the llama and giant rainbow-coloured tunnel (yes, you read that correctly!) into our room for the day.

A rounded room with a table full of notebooks and biscuits, with a wall of TVs opposite brandishing the CoppaFeel! logo. I just felt so comfortable, and a table with stationary and food? That's all you need in life, right?! I wish I'd taken my own picture of the set-up - it was definitely the most awesome meeting room I've ever had the pleasure to be in, but luckily Sinead (who's in charge of us awesome UBTs!) took a picture on Snapchat. So, I shamelessly stole it. Below is a couple of pictures, to help you try and envisage where we were!

I met some other lovely UBT Leaders, from Glasgow, Sheffield and Leeds to name a few, and we chatted boob all day! We learnt how to approach people who may not know CoppaFeel!, and how to communicate the importance of boob-checking. Ideas were flying all over the room about how to do this, and how to raise awareness and money in fun and educational ways. I won't say anymore than that, but it's safe to say us UBTs have plenty up our sleeves this year!

One important thing to get across to young people is that, just because the chance of getting cancer at our age is a lot less likely, it's not impossible. We're not here to scaremonger people - quite the opposite! We just want you to be aware and we want you to know your own body, as it could save your life one day.

Something to point out is, just because it may not affect you now, doesn't mean it never will. We all know the horrifying statistics, but knowing your boobs and body now could very well save you later on in life. If you don't know what's normal or not, you may catch something in a later stage when it's far less treatable. Copping a feel doesn't take long, and it can make such a difference!

This year there are 66 Uni Boob Teams up and down the UK - we will be at your Freshers Fairs, and we will be at the big events as well as running our own. Look out for the boobs and come say hi to us!

We want you to sign up to a text reminder service, where CoppaFeel! will text you once a month COMPLETELY FREE to remind you to check your boobies! What's not to love? Almost everyone has a phone practically glued to their hands, so you can't possibly miss their text. And, thanks to the witty Sinead who is CoppaFeel!'s social media guru, the texts are rather entertaining. They certainly give me a little giggle when they come through!

If you're interested in signing up to the text reminder service, go to coppafeel.org OR text 'UBT BIMM' to 70500. It won't cost a thing - promise, hand on heart! Your university may have their own code, so it might be worth checking that out. But if you truly can't find it, sign up anyway! As long as you're getting the monthly reminder text, that's all that matters!

Overall, my day with CoppaFeel! was a truly great experience, and I can't wait for the boob-filled year ahead.

Check out these social media links below - irregular posts are thing of the past, and we've got plenty of cool things lined up, so keep a lookout!

Website: http://coppafeel.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/coppafeel.org?fref=ts
Twitter: @CoppaFeelPeople
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/khallenga
Snapchat: coppafeelpeople

UBT BIMM Bristol
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UBTBIMM?fref=ts
Twitter: @UBTBIMMBristol

Kris Hallenga
Twitter: @KrisPoB
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxuRna_Vn1AV5SQmKPChCcw

Until next time,

Caitlin xxx

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